I must express
my grateful thanks to all those who have directly or indirectly contributed to
this site. If I have missed anyone either here or within the site then my
sincere apologies and an email will rapidly correct the matter. Any business or
commercial credits are just that. I do not market or promote any organisation
through this site.
My thanks go to Karl Hayes for accepting
an unsolicited email so graciously and putting me on to a very useful research
source that helped kick-start the site.
I must also extend my gratitude to Pilot/Author
Robert (Bob) Grant who also responded most graciously to my email and has
kindly allowed the use of extracts from his books in the stories section of the
Aviation News kindly confirmed the use of
extracts from their publications.
The Otter graphic for the Home Page links can be
found at www.mediabuilder.com
registration searches have been made possible by the excellent databases at:-
- Transport
- FAA Registry
- Popular
Aviation www.popularaviation.com
Data has been obtained from various sources including:-
- Aviation
Safety Network www.aviation-safety.net
Many detail points have
been gleaned from Sean Rossiter's excellent book "The Otter & Twin Otter".
Credits: Many of the photos contributed to this site have been provided by a
number of keen Otter fans. I am indebted to the following people:
Bill Hann; Dennis Newell;