June |
3 |
Rich Hulina has sent in a great
shot from a recent short trip east of Sioux
Lookout and encapsulates everything that I would love to be doing for a
living. Nice one Rich. See Shot of the
Month. |
31 |
Can any of you eagle-eyed Otter hounds out there spot the unusual feature about Michel's picture? Click here to find out. |
True to his word |
25 |
fine shot from Ruben of C-FODV of Wilderness Air shot 02.08.03 at |
Ruben has been hard at work again squeezing
the next round of his extensive Otter collection down the broadband pipe. [VIEW HERE] As ever Ruben many thanks. |
12 |
New contributor |
May |
1 |
This month’s proceedings start
with a bit of technology. Peter Watson kindly sent me a disc with his Otter shots
and whilst some have already been uploaded I felt the time that might be
taken to upload all 77 may be a bit lengthy. Enter Picassa2 from Google. This
very useful means of recording and displaying all the photo’s on your
computer also allows creation of a file of photo’s as a webpage. (Light bulb
illuminates over head! A website within a website). So hear goes. THIS LINK connects to
the first page of the file and the side bar shows all the shots with details.
Just click and scroll.
Peter also provides a great shot
for the Photo of the Month of C-GLCP
(422) which he took at
Thanks very much Peter for a
wonderful series of very evocative photographs. |
27 |
And again from
I traveled to Kelowna on April 24 to
see Otter N336AK fitted with its floats at AOG and its departure to Duck Lake
by road a short distance away. Unfortunately, this Otter was not yet ready to
leave. My disappointment was short-lived when I discovered Otter C-FRHW was
already in the cradle and ready for the trip to
The full set of |
25 |
regular Otter ‘stringer’
Hi there, It
was a beautiful day here in Cheers,
ever |
21 |
Hulina reports:- After what seems to have been a short winter we have open water in Sioux Lookout already, almost 2 weeks early. 1st bird in the water, will be training this P.M. Ice still visible under left wing!
17 |
I was
surprised to find another Otter at AOG yesterday. C-FRHW #445 is going to
remain in the piston configuration but will receive the Baron Wing mods and
then will go to Venture Air at
has now had the company titles added and sure looks nice. They say it may fly
out on floats, so hopefully I will see both of these Otters make their water
departure soon.(See more about ITS from
for the report |
guys. A beautiful day to prowl around
are doing a nice job with ITS as can be seen from the photos [HERE]. I hope to
see her sometime this spring or summer when we are down at the coast. I like
the paint job on it. They do a different mount for the Walter than the
Garrett I have noticed. They add a firewall forward of the original f/w and
then mount to that. The Walter must be quite a lot lighter because all the
cowling and shrouding is metal, compared to a composite material used on the
Garrett installation. This Otter is expected to be finished in about three
weeks. Bill, you may see it at
Cheers, |
13 |
Ian, a while back I requested some info on an Otter as I was building an 8'
model of one. I thank you for posting my request and I am sending you some pics
of it completed as promised. I just entered it in the Weak signals
photo says it all.......... Will be going to Talkeetna Air Taxi in
6 Otters in |
Ruben has been busy dredging the
almost limitless depths of his slide collection and another round of his Otter
shots can be seen here: [SET 1] [SET 2] [SET
3]. Once again thanks very much Ruben. Keep up the scanning. |
14 |
Hulina emailed one very nice morning in Sioux Lookout; only minus 15 and calm
winds! Here is his 2nd Cessna departing and preheating the third!
April |
9 |
beautiful music that engine made for the last time. It joins the other four
Otters at Kal Air Repair and in a couple of months will fly away back to
it too much to ask that they keep all these Otters here until all completed
and then have a squadron of Otters take off and do a low and over in
formation before they fly away? I know, I am dreaming
but..............” Great idea
See 254 taxying to the ramp in this month’s Shot of the Month.
19 |
Nick Nichols has emailed with some very useful details of aircraft
encountered during his military service.
Hi, my name is Nick Nichols and I just wanted to pass this
information on in case you don't have it. I was in the
I was crew chief on 57-6118 which crashed landed in a
river in western part of
I also was crew chief on 55-2978 at
Great to hear from you Nick and many thanks for the information. |
18 |
Rich Hulina made a road trip in
16 |
thought I might help you out and give you a couple updates of the Otters in
our fleet. First off, all of our Otters have been converted to turbines
(although I don't know if they all have the Pratt & Whitney
upgrade), particularly N87KA (s/n 11) and N50KA (s/n 221). Also, N707KA
(s/n 106) is currently back in the Kenmore fleet in A
quick check on Airliners.com confirms a very dramatic paintjob. Many thanks |
March |
12 |
A slightly late start to this month
on account of a trip to
I have been remiss in not uploading more of Peter Watson’s excellent shots so to redress the balance he gains Shot of the Month and a further set [here] from his extensive collection.
Rich Hulina provides a winter evening shot of C-FPEN awaiting the thaw at Winnipeg Int.
17 |
C-FQOQ #46 has been here for a
couple of weeks. The fuselage has been completed inside and out in
C-FZDV #46 is still awaiting the firewall forward mounting kit for the PT-6, otherwise it is looking ready to go. All painted and the wings are on and interior is finished.
N362TT #312 is in the paint shop
having some zinc chromate applied inside the fuselage prior to paint. It will
go back to
N336AK #333 flew to
N49AW #310 flew to Vernon on floats with a PZL engine and is having some fuselage repairs done and when the Garrett is installed will be reassembled at the lake and flown out of Vernon back to Alaska
N254AW #254 is parked outside
awaiting its turn in the hangar for the Garrett installation. It will not be
painted. It will likely be the last one to leave
Several crates with Garrett mounting kits and props in the hangar. They sure are busy in there and also have a Cessna Conquest and a 337P Skymaster getting major work done too.
Many thanks |
4 |
three sets of Ruben Husberg’s collection can be viewed here [SET 1] [SET
2] [SET 3]
Further shots by Mike Stedman of N338AK and
N339AK before and just after arrival back in |
February |
Stedman provides this months Shot of the
Month. An excellent study of Otters earning their daily crust in
has also sent in a great series of shots of his favourite turbine Otter N409PA taken at various locations during his
floatplane existence. The life of a hardworking Otter Jock is beautifully
captured here with Thor’s text adding useful detail. Thor now pilots a Boeing
767 for Browns (UPS) and has recently been emailing from
thought. If global warming is likely to lead to flooding of some of the
world’s major airports. What about an amphibious mod for the likes of a 767?
Consider a 747-400 on floats!! |
January |
14 |
all. Just had a quick jolly round the
local area in the clubs trusty Cessna172SP. 60 Minutes-night goes in to the
book. Very clear and a nearly full moon too. Pretty.
Ruben Husberg is back on shore and loading up my inbox again. Here is the next round of his scanned shots and once again thanks Ruben. [Set 1] [Set 2] [Set 3].
9 |
This session
I have tried to do a bit of catching up and my first apologies go to
Rich Hulina also added a couple of shots of himself hard at work brushing the snow from his Turbo-Otter. The less glamorous side of a pilot’s life!! [here]
Just stopped
in to Kal Air Repair here and found (349) with nice new paint and wearing
registration C-FZDV. I had earlier
reported in error that it was purchased by an Alaskan owner, but that is not
the case as it has been purchased by Air Tindi as a replacement for their
ill-fated C-FXUY (142). This ex-Ethiopian air force Otter was one of several
brought to
another note, Otter N362TT is coming soon to
that this report is a little late |
January |
6 |
to the New Year and for those of you
unfortunate enough to try and log in yesterday evening (
Frantic emails and much web action resulted in a less than apologetic email this morning from the web host and the site back in action. Phew.
And to start the New Year some good news for all you FS2004 Sim fans out there. There is now not one but two Piston Otters for FS2004 which were published on www.avsim.com over the Christmas period and pretty good they are too.
The first file [dhc3pzl.zip] has been produced by long time Otter producer Eugene Heyart and is described as follows:-
This Otter is the 1000hp conversion from Airtech Canada (R). The FS2004 model has a dynamic virtual cockpit, 5 liveries, reflective textures, opening door, full moving parts, panel with custom gauges and custom sound.
This aircraft is on amphibious floats.
The second Otter [dhc3otter.zip] is produced by long-time Sim collaborators Steve Grant and Fed Choate and is a wheeled version. I have not tried this one yet but it looks good and has some nice features, including a better panel by the sound of it. And having just checked Avsim I see a further panel is available [dhc3.zip].
As I’m still recovering from the
shock of last night I will not try and upload more photo’s in this session
but rest assured there are many more to come. |
December 2005 |
30 |
New Contributor
Peter Watson kindly forwarded a CD containing his Otter photo collection and
the first taster of nearly 80 shots can be found HERE. There are many more treats
in store. My grateful thanks Peter for getting in touch and I will be
uploading more in the New Year. (No wish to over-indulge everyone at
Christmas time!!)
Claus kindly brought me a DVD: “
A new
set of shots from regular contributor and Otter pilot
finally for 2005 our regular neighbourhood hanger reporter
Hi guys,
N362TT has arrived by truck from Alaska, less wings, tail feathers and engine. As you can see, it is long overdue for new paint! Busy at Kal Air Repair these days. 4 Otters, 1 Beaver, 1 Super Widgeon plus two small Cessna’s in the paint shop. The Beaver should leave in early Jan and Otter ZDV next, but they are still awaiting engine components. Apparently the owners made the engine purchase themselves and paid for it, but did not realize it was not the complete kit! This is an expensive mistake.
This is my last update for the year quite likely. In the meantime, Merry Christmas and all the best for 2006!
And may I add my own very best wishes to you all for a safe and prosperous 2006. Ian
It was Christmas Eve and all around the snow lay crisp and deep and even. Deep in the forest, moonlight illuminated a small woodman’s cottage. A single candle flickered in the window through which a bearded dwarf can be seen toiling over his laptop……
Yes folks it’s Christmas Eve and Julie (her in doors) has given me special dispensation to upload the first of a series of photo groups for your Yuletide enjoyment before we hit the Mulled Wine.
You can view them here: [SET 1] [SET 2] [SET 3] [SET 4]
Workload has prevented me from bending to the task earlier this month, but here we go and do check back for more over the next week or so.
May I take this opportunity of thanking all of you for visiting and contributing to the site which has really taken off this year. If it were not for you this would be a very solitary exercise. Do please keep emailing your thoughts and comments and your photographs of course.
This years special commendations for services to the De Havilland Otter go to:-
Ruben Husberg – Most prolific photo provider of the year award. (Take Care on the Rig this Christmas Ruben).
Rich Hulina – Photographer and well known Otter pilot. Keep it straight and level Rich.
Norm Dennis – for his continuing encouragement and contributions.
And a big thank you to all of the following for making valuable contributions:-
Keith Anderson – AOG Michael St Amand Ellen Ayer Lenn Bayliss Matthew Biloff Barry Collman Bernard Filiatrault Linda Freisen – Left Seat Publishing Ola Furulund Bill Hann William Hohenstein Grant Howatt – Air Nootka Garry
Lakin – David Mathew – Northern Aviation Mike – AirNikon Craig Paul Dirk Septer Robbie Shaw – Gatwick ATC Mike Stedman – thanks for persevering Mike Chris Sumner Steve Todd Peter Watson Larry D West Dave x P If I’ve missed anyone my sincere apologies.
18/12 Peter
Watson has just emailed me to say he has some 115 Otter photo’s on their way
to me! A serious contribution and with Rubens and
9/12 My young son has just introduced me to the wonderful world of Google Earth. Believe me this is worth a viewing. Just go to the Google search page and click on the hyperlink below the search box, download the exe. for the free beta version. And enjoy! I won’t spoil the surprise but this is definitely a keeper.
start this month with a series of shots taken
The next set of Rubens Otter collection can be found here. He has yet again been deluging my inbox so I hope to have a major upload session before Christmas to catch up.
And finally this upload, the tolerance award goes to Mike Stedman for persevering over the last month with my emailing problems and sending in this month’s Shot of the Month. Cheer’s Mike. |